What is this trend of posting motivational Joker quotes with some super cringe quotes and heinous spellings? I have so many questions? Why Joker? Why the constant misspellings and why are many of these quotes come from India???
I get that you're hurt because you were rejected by a girl or maybe some girl you liked replied your text late without emojis but identifying with the Joker because of this seems a tad bit too extreme don't you think?
A lot of these quotes just centers around "I've been hurt by a girl and therefore that justifies my belief in a proponent of chaos."

My dudes, please chill.
From where did you even get the statistics of this? What is the methodology to ascertain such s results?
Imagine being pushed over once and you fall down and automatically lose consciousness. What if it was unintentional? Does this ruling apply to all who knocked you down? What if you tripped over a table accidentally? You're gonna destroy the table or kill yourself?
How do you even kill people twice?
What if she's working or literally is busy taking care of her family? The world doesn't revolve around you, you know. You should really try to have some understanding on your part.

Or better, talk to her about it and address the problem like adults.
I... bruh what!? No situation or reason is worthy enough to warrant self-immolation.
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