i’m unbelievably upset with the way the government functions. however i can’t bring shit like this up to my parents because my father would have such a negative reaction to it. because my father is a good person, but he’s uneducated on what the “president” does and how wrong-
- it is. basically, my father supports the “president”. meanwhile, i hate the man. not only because of all the sexist and homophobic shit in the past. but especially now. plus if i said acab in front of my father and he knew what it meant, he’d probably scold me saying “but they-
- protect people!! they’re just doing their job and get stressed” and i would argue back but the majority of people who’ve met my father have said that he’s a scary guy. and he is. him angry is fucking terrifying. and i’d really rather not get kicked out just for defending myself
anyways basically the point of this thread is that i WANT to tell my dad that trump is a terrible man and the justice system is fucked and acab but i cannot because he’d simply brush it off or get mad. so even if i can’t protest with others, i will try my best to fight for this
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