NYPD hitting a protestor with a car door in BK. Wow it’s almost like this isn’t really about protecting the public.
I have seen scores of protests in New York, and the cops have on many occasions been significantly more militant than the protestors at the scene. /2
As I said in an earlier thread, the police's different behavior based on the protest group shows that they aren't just policing behavior but *ideology.* /3
While most Black Lives Matter protestors pose no serious threat whatsoever to the police with their bodies or their behavior, their *ideas* represent a fundamental questioning of the legitimacy of state violence... /4
...that scares the police more than armed protestors in MI who call for the death of politicians but whose underlying worldview dovetails naturally with the repressive state apparatus. Whole thread here: /5 https://twitter.com/ZeeshanAleem/status/1266138088381743111
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