Assume complete success. Lots of AVA burnt. Value increases because “scarcity”. Normal transactions get more and more expensive. At some point more AVA must be created because of fixed cap. “Social consensus” to print more. Worse model than the federal reserve.
This type of crypto economic model is entirely shortsighted in its attempt to be “novel”. A project fueled by greed. Emin and kevin will earn their millions because of the hype thinking they provided value while poor normies hoping to get rich themselves pour money
Why choose shitty cornell tech when you can choose MIT with algorand?
Btw algorand is a shitcoin too

At the core of these efforts is a ploy to get rich from retail investors, who are doomed to be suckers

They pay a high cost for marginal benefit and knowledge gained from these crypto experiments

All of these new staking projects will eventually disappear with the founders now rich and moving on to their new best lives

The only two projects worth their salt beside $BTC today is $ETH and @polkadotnetwork everything else is noise
You can follow @strawberryBTC.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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