I really need people to understand that you cannot be racist to white people. And I’ll explain in this thread.
A white person has never been turned down for a job opportunity because of the color of their skin. Black ppl have, Mexicans have, Asians, etc.
A white person has never been fired because of the color/texture/style of their hair.
A white person has never been refused healthcare because of the color of their skin.

Oh yeah, feel free to google these situations I have mentioned so far. They all involve POC.
Most importantly, White people have never been profiled, harassed, hunted, lynched, MURDERED bc of the color of their skin.

The only people that will be bothered by this thread are the people who want to be victimized.

I promise you, being a white person has not added any hardships on your life. I’m talking REAL hardships. NOT someone calling you a “cracker” or “Karen” or any other names.
At this point, your feelings are just hurt. And I don’t feel bad.

Did you lose your job from me calling you that? Did you lose your LIFE? Because that is what’s going on out here for black people. Let me tell you, a Black LIFE is far greater than your white feelings. GROW UP
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