I've been sitting in rage over this for MONTHS thinking that if I said anything no one would believe me bc he's so beloved but (thankfully) I'm wrong

@Lonesome_Noise has been inappropriate to me on numerous occasions, trampling my boundaries & complaining when I asserted them
He would continuously insert himself in replies between me & other women that did not concern him, like & unlike & relike my photos over & over (until I paid attention to him I guess) and follow & unfollow & refollow me over & over until I blocked him
When I *did* finally block him he immediately whined about me on his account, fishing for sympathy and "good rumours" about him which his followers gladly gave, telling him that anyone who blocks him is just jealous & a bad writer
Eventually, he blocked me back until he unblocked me & sent his (former) publisher to ask me why I blocked him. I wish I told her the full truth at the time but now it's coming out
I know he's been even more inappropriate & invasive with other young women & I have seen him first-hand get (publicly) hostile when they rightfully tell him off. He is a serial harasser who targets women half his age while presenting himself as an upstanding "literary citizen"
I thought I couldn't say anything. I thought I couldn't say ANYTHING because I was fucking PETRIFIED that he would use his "clout" in the community to shut me up & effectively destroy my writing career
He started bothering me in late January. I didn't tell my bf about him until months later. For God's sake I used fucking nicknames for him on my private accounts bc even though I *knew* he's done this to other women, he perfected his "nice guy" image so well who would believe us
Up until now a grand total of three people (including my bf) knew his name & what he did to me. A few weeks ago I told three other people but didn't say his name. Now you all know
What I will say is this:

- Question men, especially white men, who play at being "the nice guy" a bit too well
- If you have a bad feeling about someone, you're probably right
- Those who harp about accountability + creating safe spaces don't include themselves in these convos
And if you acknowledge that women in their early-mid 20s are always blocking you, there's a fucking good reason why
My notifications are in shambles & I promise I'll get back to everyone who replied & DM'd but thank you so much for believing me & the other women & femmes who have come forward. I admit I was shaking while writing this thread but I feel the weight of all of this slowly go away
This all came out at the worst possible time & since this is gaining some traction I *strongly* encourage you to donate to bail funds in support of #BlackLivesMatter protestors across the US
Match either or both of these donations to @MNFreedomFund https://twitter.com/petalledheart/status/1266118336796033029
Bailout NYC protestors: https://www.libertyfund.nyc/ 
I know you've seen what the đŸ·s are doing in Brooklyn. Donate here: https://brooklynbailfund.org/ 
Don't think for a moment that this is a US-only problem. A Black woman was killed in my city this week, too. Donate to the #JusticeForRegis fund and learn more here: https://twitter.com/MaggiesToronto/status/1266413301480767498
This is a comprehensive and growing list of bail funds to donate to as well: https://twitter.com/bailfundnetwork/status/1266408876838014983
You can follow @petalledheart.
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