The Murder of George Floyd has made such an impact. It’s truly overwhelming.

the video of his murder chilled me to my core and i cant even stand to see any news about it. I cant get his desperate pleas out my head.

However, i truly believe there is hope for us yet.
as a black dude, when terrible shit like this happens i don’t consume it in the normal way.

When it comes to racist media i feel that there is a silent obligation to view these horrendous acts and truly internalize them so that i/we can affect change at a higher level.
i’m seeing people bash black lives matter because of the raids and riots.

unless i’m mistaken, the core principle of BLM wasn’t to say that black ppl are the only ones dying/being targeted. We’re just trying to say that it happens, because often we are told it doesn’t. that’s it
BLM never had ‘looting and rioting’ as some agenda lol. people have been doing this long before we are alive and they will continue after we’re dead.

In short - ANY ACTION beyond the base fundamentals of the movement are individually based and should be judged as such.
but out of all the videos/cases/pictures of racist police brutality... i’ve seen people arguing other sides.

I never engage.

This one.

This one is the one i’ll select when i say it’s completely indefensible. Like not 90% guilty no no.

100%. That was literal fucking murder.
I would like to believe that the reason things like this end in riots is because there’s no platform to actually combat these things. so - they create one.

I’ve never done it and i rarely look into them while it’s happening. this is simply my ignorant guess.
What i am hoping... is that everyone experiences this tragedy, and elects to use this as a platform to unite against actual evil.

because the great thing here is that we all can be on the same team even if we have different beliefs.
the world stopped turning when Covid got serious. In these times of isolation - a general message/text/tweet to check up on our friends has almost tripled in value.

covid showed me that we DO have the ability to unite for the sake of humanity.
Unlike Covid, Racism isn’t a disease.
It’s not involuntarily contagious.
It’s not airborne.

their only common trait is that they both fucking suck.

if we could cure covid by changing our point of view LOL ppl woulda BEEN cured.
I don’t know how to ‘cure’ racism.

I’m simply not smart enough to effect change at a tier that this tragedy calls for.

while i think peace between races will happen, I don’t think it will be during my life here on earth.

but - i’ll polish the torch for our younger generation.

a grocery store which used to close at 7 PM due to covid is now open till 11.

And george floyd’s murderer has been arrested.

We have a very long way to go, and this doesn’t mean things are back to normal and race relations are now cured but -

it’s a start.

Stay up.☝🏾
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