So many people are confused as to why the CNN building was targeted by Atlanta rioters. It's not rocket science, but I'll explain anyway. Although right-wingers love to believe that CNN is leftist media, everyone else understands that it's simply corporate media...
... CNN is on no one's "side" except its shareholders. While many individual employees of CNN—journalists, technicians, etc.—are good people who do good work, the organization as a whole is just as morally vacuous as any other large corporation.
The CNN building is a tourist attraction and landmark. But most of the people living around that area have no emotional ties to it. It doesn't provide any valuable community function. All it does is sit there, controlling space in the center of the city, representing power.
So when people who have all their power taken away are trying to find a way to fight back? What better way than to physically claim those three giant letters that have never done anything tangible to make their lives better.
Unlike rightwingers, the rioters don't necessarily hold any grievances against CNN employees or journalists (some of whom are good, or at least as good as CNN allows them to be). It's the building itself and its function in the landscape that's experienced as oppressive.
A lot of older people have deep emotional attachment to news brands as a result of their decades long marketing campaigns, but young people (and most of the rioters are young) generally don't. And I think that's a good thing. It's more reflective of reality.
Also, as a side note, a lot of people don't understand that CNN has an iron-clad policy to not report on any protests that happen outside its building. This is understandable, because over the years a lot of people, mainly rightwingers, have threatened to attack or destroy CNN...
The blackout policy seeks to tamp down that kind of attention-seeking behavior and in the process protect their employees from becoming the targets of bombers or whatever. So if you wonder why CNN didn't report on their own building being vandalized today? It's their policy.
It's going to be interesting to see if they'll break or change that policy, but if they don't report on today at all, if they quietly repair the letters and glass and pretend nothing happened, at least you'll know why.
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