I've been seeing a lot of other sex workers say that SWs shouldn't be on TikTok bc it's a "children's app" and there's children there but I heavily disagree with this. Children are on all social media platforms bc social medias promote themselves to younger people.
This doesn't make social media "for children". Half of twitter is kids, are we not allowed to be on Twitter now? Millions of children are on youtube, are sex workers not allowed to make youtube videos now? Minors seeing us online isn't our responsibility. We're not their parents.
Social media platforms market themselves to younger audiences in order to gain popularity and traction bc once kids do something, it gains the attention of the rest of the world. Then older audiences follow. It's just smart marketing. Nowhere does TikTok state it's only for kids.
I see far more adults on TikTok than I see children on TikTok. Wanna know why? Bc their algorithm will show you more accounts similar to who you engage with on there. If you're only seeing minors, it's bc YOU are only engaging with minors. Just watch older people there.
Saying we can't exist on an app bc children have accounts there only perpetuates the harmful stigmas/mindsets that make it impossible for SWs to work in education, work at daycares, adopt children, etc. and I don't even understand where they stem from. Why enable these things?
As long as you're not nude or performing sexual acts on TikTok, label your account as 18+, and block minors you see engaging with your account I really don't see the problem with us merely existing on a platform. Especially when that platform has millions of adults on it.
And if you're that worried about minors seeing you there just do what I do and film a TikTok with the sound you want to use then post it privately so only you can see it and download it ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
You can follow @leilacherryxxx.
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