Everything going on is making me angry and scared...
Im mixed (3/4 white 1/4 black), I look white but my faimly I care so much about is darker, I couldnt imagine them being hurt. My mom, my cusions, little boys who just want to play and have a fun childhood. Im scared for them.
I wish this world was better. Where these werent things we had to worry about.
I never understood racsim, I dont understand how you can hate someone without hearing a god damn word out their mouths.
I may not look black, but its still apart of who I am, im still born from my black mother. I will not let my faimly be silenced. I will stand up for their rights beacuse I am here beacuse of them. They are my faimly.
I might delete this thread later. Im just really scared right now...
Just realized I spelled cousins wrong, my apologies
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