Just arrived at Brooklyn’s protests against police brutality, where the crowd remaining at Barclays is chanting “not one more”. I can see at least 4 protesters handcuffed.
Police have blocked off the plaza so protesters are breaking off into smaller groups, some on Flatbush Ave, others leaving Barclays to regroup elsewhere
I spoke with protester Salamah Patrick, 27

“I’m tired,” she said. “I’m tired of cops killing us and nothing being done.”

“Mass shootings have gone down [during the pandemic] but police brutality hasn’t.”
More arrests, police piling them into city buses. A female protester was just wheeled away on a guerney by paramedics, unclear what happened to her.
When a police officer pulls down the mask, everyone starts chanting “put on a mask”. Nearly the entire crowd in masks, not as tightly crowded as a normal NYC protest.
Crowd is chanting “Say his name, George Floyd” and “I can’t breathe.”
Brief interlude and dancing to Fuck Tha Police, before moving back to Say His Name chants.
More riot police just arrived. Because of the way the road has been cleared by police, the crowd is really dispersed and the police presence is really strong
Just deleted preciois tweet as I went over my notes and the tripping happened as one incident, the backing up a second later in the night. But police pushed protesters to 4th Ave, where cars are regularly beeping their horn in solidarity.
Gerard Butler, a 29-year-old man, was very shaken up, explaining to me police had been aggressive to him twice during tonight’s protest.
So protesters have driven their cars up 4th Ave, and parked them, standing in the sun roof holding signs for Black Lives Matter. A garbage truck (not NY sanitation) is beeping its (very loud) horn in support
Protest now going down residential streets in Brooklyn, people leaning out the windows clapping and coming out their front doors to cheer protesters.
Lina Hoyos, 21 from Queens was pepper sprayed at tonight’s protest. “I came out because it’s important. If I don’t do it, who will?” she said. “Posting on Instagram is not enough.”

“It’s not black against white,” said Hoyos. “It’s us against the police, the government.”
Just ran into Isabella Sacco, 27 and Tessa Cayce, 25, who said police threw them on the ground and hit them, after they tried to stop police who they said were choking a young black male protester.
This video was shared with me by a protester who was trying to film her friend being arrested and then an officer rammed her with his baton
Saw two police cars with FTP (fuck the police) spray painted. One had a window kicked in. Another has both its mirrors ripped off. But police were close when this was happening, police had pulled back and did not interfer.
Barclays is clear now, although police still around. Conveniently police seemed to calm down once the area was cleared, just before the mayor arrived to visit the commissioner. Protests have now moved into multiple small protests across Brooklyn.
Lot of police outside 88th Precinct, where some protesters have been taken. But like dozens of riot police waiting around.
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