Back when Gawker Media still existed, they gave us good advice on covering protests and demonstrations. It was specific to reporters but I think it’s useful for protesters, too.
1. Write the phone number of a lawyer or emergency contact in Sharpie on your arm (cont’d.)
If possible, cover it with a coat of clear nail polish. If you’re arrested, police will likely take your phone. You’ll want this number for your phone call.

2. Keep your phone password locked. If police ask for your password, do not give it to them.
3. Record your interactions with police, and speak throughout . If the tell you to move back, move back and say “I am complying and moving back.” If they say you can’t stand where your standing, ask where you can stand.
They still might arrest you. The CNN film crew did everything right and were arrested anyway. But they have proof they were complying with the law.
4. Maybe obvious but don’t say anything to police without a lawyer present.
For those without a company lawyer behind you, legal observers — lawyers there to help you and observe police behavior — are often in attendance. You can recognize them by their lime green hats. There are also legal funds being donated too as you read this.
And of course take care of each other. If someone falls, help get them to their feet. Give water to people who’ve been pepper sprayed. If someone’s hurt, get them out of the way. If you witness police brutality, document it. Be safe. #BlackLivesMatter
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