It’s been amazing seeing friends I know who usually keep politics to themselves and off social media speaking out on their platforms

It’s been even more amazing seeing them say ‘who cares about unfollows’ and that the replies have all been encouraging

You’re doing great
The gamer sphere is made up of a lotta youth (and more) who are allergic to pol itics despite consuming it in their own medium. Only figureheads can change that and I’m happy to see it, even if it’s a part of being bold because someone else did it and took the brunt of it first
To those of you who are still railing against the idea of pol itics, just know that at some point in your own life, you’ll have to decide something about the world you live in and your place with your fellow humans

You can’t stay in your bubble forever
I hope that seeing your idols rally together behind this cause makes you think differently, that their and your own discomfort at a reality that exists outside your very own door wakes you up

Fuck racism and fuck the injustices sown into this system from centuries past
You can follow @perepereden.
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