Honestly, I know this ISN'T about the boys but when Louis tweeted the link he was cancelled and being "called out" but now that Harry does it, y'all change the energy? Okay.
But anyways the word is being spread and THAT'S what matters.
And don't take this as "y'all need to send harry hate too" because it's not like that. It's just that there was no need for ANYONE to spread hate to ANYONE. It was so unnecessary especially when it wasn't the time to show that your "fav is better" than any other.
It was the time to spread AWARENESS not the time to try to belittle others.
So childish
And no I'm not taking sides and trying to join "fan wars" this is about realizing that some people are trying to cancel others at THIS time when it's clearly unnecessary and irrelevant because there are bigger things happening.
Hi!! It was brought to my attention that Harry is getting hate and I in no form wanted to encourage that. I'm sorry if I didn't make sense in my tweet but what I wanted to say is that the boys should not receive ANY hate. Why? Because it's irrelevant.
Irrelevant in the way that there are BIGGER things that we should put our attention to. We shouldn't be having these "fanwars" at this time. I'm a huge fan of the boys and I in no way wanted to spread hate. I just wanted to say that fans shouldn't be making everything about them.
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