It truly is amazing how these things crop up

Virus goes to the back burner while this shit gets burned to the ground

Then we regroup for the "second wave"? Blame it on freedom. Ratchet the lockdown up another level?

Where's your tattoo? Why don't you have the distancing app?
As we "Re-open the economy" (*restore basic civil liberties), protesters take to the streets to protest something entirely different

We were told we needed to lock down due to a virus that caused respiratory distress & failure.

Now the people carry signs saying "I can't breath"
A truly masterful transition as the pent up frustration and rage is funneled thru this release valve.

Cue the "if only we had social tracking and distancing apps during the protests, we could have avoided the second wave"
WOW this part of the narrative is coming in way faster than I thought
Just hit me, the kneeling on the neck

The callback to Kaepernick kneeling.
Remember when they were pushing to let people out of jail due to Covid???

Smells a tad bit more fishy now no?
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