and im gonna say it from the perspective of an artist who wants to make longform original fiction

the whole consume content all at once has definitely devalued art and made it very fucking easy to burnout and very difficult to want to actually put stories out there
we're held up to the same standards as corporate bc people are expected to just consume content instead of stew on and appreciate art and its kind of fucking terrifying to put your time heart and soul into a work for it to be chewed up and spat out. i am not even faulting
audiences when i say this. its just the current model really discourages independent creators. people dont want to "discuss" or "stew on fiction". when i was a bit younger before the netflix model was big i remember meta thinkpieces on tumblr and those skype groups
that existed solely to discuss narrative and of course forums and nowadays it really feels like thats dying out and i can only "discuss narratives" with small friend groups and even then, only with really broad content
and then you have impatient people making either bad faith arguments or like just poorly thought out talking points that dont account for the fact that an expansive narrative like that of ffxiv for example but there are def others just cannot be told in one fucking sitting
the devs are human and they need time to craft this work of art and to simply dismiss their work out of hand bc its not all presented on the table immediately is such a fucking killer to discussion.
and if its this hard for like, professional game developers then imagine how hard it is for indie artists..people dont even want to discuss independent work anymore unless theres financial incentive because we're encouraged to consume content not appreciate art...
because the moment you start thinking about a piece of media thats the moment youve stopped shovelling the next thing into your mouth i fucking hate it i hate consumer culture so much
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