This is going to be a thread full of resources for white parents. Literally the only way to dismantle racism is for US to be anti-racist and teach our kids to be anti-racist. If you aren't having serious conversations with them already, getting started might seem daunting.
First up is an Atlantic article about sociologist Margaret Hagerman's research on how white kids learn about race. It is fascinating, and she wrote a book which I will link in the next tweet. (N.B. I have read the article but not the book)
This article opens with a personal anecdote about parenting at a playdate when a kid said something racist, and then discusses how she handled it with two experts and passes along their advice.
That's it for now, but I will return as I find other resources. Please do not ask your Black friends for help on this. The resources are out there for you to use. I got most of these from a quick Google. You can do this.
You can follow @noirbettie.
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