can we pls not forget about Destiny Harrison. she was a 21 year old entrepreneur who got shot in the head in her own hair salon, (MadamD Beauty Bar) in front of her daughter. (dec 21, 2019)
she had been robbed & beaten by 2 ppl for hair bundles worth 3000$ a few weeks prior to her murder (dec 10, 2019). she told authorities that she feared for her life & that she knew one of her attackers & that he had a violent criminal history.
(she filed charges against the two people. in written testimony, she accused one of the suspects of holding her down while the other one hit and stomped on her after she demanded her property back. (after this, they fled with $3,000 worth of hair bundles.))
the couple was charged with assault, theft and burglary. she also filed a peace order against the man, (issued dec 19) ordering that he does not have any contact with destiny & stay away from her salon.
"She wanted to be known as a legend for doing hair, and I think she did that. Destiny loved her daughter; that was the light of her life. That was probably the most pivotal moment in her life, was her daughter." - Destiny's mother, Raquel Harrison
a video posted by a relative before she got shot:
in honor of Destiny, the Destiny Dream Scholarship supports 5 students each year from Merganthaler Vocational Technical High School’s (MERVO) cosmetology program, where she graduated. u can donate here:
Destiny’s instagram: @/iamslayedbydes
ran by her relatives
i am not gonna promote anything i just want y’all to realise & think about how black women barely get any attention in the media.. this happened 5 months ago and so many ppl have never heard about this.
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