Thread of accounts who showed their true colors and should be unfollowed (part 1) #BlackLivesMatters
I really do hate to do this, since a couple of these people I’m friends with, but it has to be said. and no, I’m not “hating” on MOST of you, just PLEASE do better. That’s all I ask
What the actual fuck is this? And why is this at all important? I’ve taken a candy bar from a gas station before, but should I be killed too?
@smoltaehyngs you were fucking SILENT about it, but you sure had time to tweet about fucking idols for some reason
Retweeting one tweet doesn’t help shit. And I’ll bet money you’re gonna come back with some more stan stuff in a day or two
@Tae_KookBiased Not One. Single. Mention.
@minoee_ only one reply related to it, and SEVEN FUCKING YOONGI TWEETS in the span of like, 5 minutes
@BTSclai been silent since this started, timing is too “oof”
@seokxviii no ones “starting up” anything, they’re right. The amount of silence I’ve seen from people is STAGGERING and if you can’t see that, leave
@_brook_x Again. Not a single tweet. I KNOW you’ve seen it on the TL at some point
@ariggukk you won’t BELIEVE how many retweets I scrolled through yet couldn’t find ONE fucking mention
@exolipsyncc self explanatory really, you absolute fucking troglodyte
@Hoseok_tiny what the fuck is this?
@dimpleddaeng_ believe it or not, changing your @ won’t change the fact you’re a piece of shit
@gguukookie No. lets not trend someone because they made some music when there’s more important matters going on
@ygwita I don’t even know if this should be in here, but what the fuck is this tweet? Like...okay? Bye nigga
@sanphobics no. we shouldn’t be happy you fucking idiot. if people knew they could go out, choke someone dead, and get AT MOST 25 years, I’d be scared for my life, more than I already am
Self explanatory
@ajol_llama I’m pretty sure most of y’all know, but she tried to justify the shit the police are doing to us. and that’s a fucking yikes
@gguksminiemoni spoken like a true white person
@yeonkiminsgirl being silent is being content you fucking moron
@jaemintoe nope. Fuck them and fuck you
@fairymyungho imagine wanting to ignore an actual issue, just to stream some garbage. K.
@vmnstars not yours nigga
Like, I knew @oh_mes2 was a cunt, but god DAMN if your all lives matter ass doesn’t stop showing up on my feed I’m gonna lose it
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