This feels like an appropriate time to point out how incredibly impossible it is to prove racial bias in the justice system

Is this my first proper thread? 1/12
Warren McClesky was a black man who killed a white police officer and faced the death sentence. His defense used a study by Professor David Baldus, which showed the Georgia prosecutors "sought the death penalty in 70% of cases involving black defendants and white victims"
By comparison, prosecutors only sought the death penalty in "19% of cases involving white defendants and black victims." Even accounting for about 3 dozen non-racial variables, Baldus concluded that black defendants were 4.3 times more likely to receive the death sentence
"The statistical evidence... was the strongest ever presented to a court regarding race and criminal sentencing."
This was put in front of the Supreme Court in the case McClesky vs. Kemp (1987)
The court's position (with a 1 vote margin) was that the pattern of discrimination does not count as a violation of the 14th amendment. What they needed was proof of intention, which is not described by pointing out a pattern
Let that one sink in. In order to prove racial bias in a court, the defense needs to show that the prosecution or other involved parties had explicit intentions to be racist. Which, of course, everybody admits to all of the time /s
As an example of the ramifications of this decision, let's take a look at the case of Christopher Lee Armstrong, a black man who was arrested with four of his friends in a motel room for "federal drug charges - conspiracy to distribute more than fifty grams of crack cocaine"
Armstrong's public defenders were disturbed by the fact that he, along with every other crack case they represented, was not white. They made a request for "the prosecutors' files to support their claim of selective prosecution under the fourteenth amendment"
The request was approved by the district court, but the prosecutors refused the files and appealed to the Supreme Court. "In May 1996, the Supreme Court reversed."
"With no trace of irony, the Court demanded that Armstrong produce in advance the very thing he sought in discovery"
Basically, read "The New Jim Crow" by Michelle Alexander, an excellent book from which I summarized.
For some reason, I just felt like picking it back up today. Funny that
In essence, the courts cannot recognize systemic issues. They, like many milquetoast "colorblind" whites, will only see racism on a case-by-case basis and ignore greater problems
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