That's the simplified description. The reality is even darker. Gay people are required to have a psychiatric evaluation and then a blood test. If they have higher hormones of the opposite sex they were born as, they are legible for a sex reassignment. Plus they have to get the -
Authorized signature of their parents for that and often the parents refuse. Once the reassignment is done, especially for trans women, finding work is extremely difficult and as a result they fall into the sex industry. Khomenei made a special rule for the trans community that
Allows them to disregard their 'iddah (i.e. waiting period of 3 months after a divorce where they aren't allowed to have sex) so they can go into mut'ah marriage after mut'ah marriage, a religiously permissible type of prostitution, just so they get money for a living. Many of
The trans women undergo reassignment surgery just to be able to marry their partners, otherwise they'd be accused of gay sex and therefore be lynched.
When asked, a lot would answer that if they had a choice they would bave never done the surgery.
Viewed as monsters and treated
As pariahs in their own societies, many end up committing suicide.
When you live in a country that views gays sex so negatively and unnatural that it's instead more accepted to undergo what is clearly forced castration and gender reassignment, you have no choice but to comply.
Iran has failed its lgbtq community. The sex change surgery was never allowed due to acceptance of transexuality but merely due to the fact they preferred THAT instead of them engaging in "haraam" gay sex.
There is a full documentary of trans people in Iran on youtube anyone
Can watch.
The fate of the lgbtq in Iran is truly heartbreaking.
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