I put together a really solid bug out bag for $60 including a case of water bottles and two big jugs of water (and the backpack as well). It’s something allies should consider investing in when showing up for calls of action. I’ll attach pics and list of essentials in replies.
Ok so I got everything from Walmart or I already had it. The bag was $5, and bright red, so I can let folks know I have medical aid. The jugs of water can be used to put out tear gas canisters. I have Indiv. bottles in my car.
Baking soda for tear gas relief (empty spray bottles, 8 oz water 3 TBS baking soda), Advil, Tylenol, and an antihistamine. Hemostatic dressings, gauze, bandages of different sizes. Medical washes. Multi purpose tape. Vinyl gloves. Rubbing alcohol. Personal wipes.
All of these can aid in emergency response for burns, cuts, wounds, until proper medical attention can be found. I also got two packs of 10 black face masks from target for $15. This will aid in both hiding identity and virus preventative action.
Do not bring credit cards, just bring a small amount of cash. Do not go alone. Have an emergency contact sheet on you just in case, with any allergies or medical issues in case of the worst.
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