The disgust I feel right now at EVERYONE involved in this travesty - from Comey to McCabe, to Obama, Brennan, Strzok, Pientka, Paige, Sullivan, Asha wannabe, Ben Wittes, Mueller, WEISSMAN, Van Grack - ALL OF THESE TRAITORS - Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff, all of them - they (cont)
all lied to the American people for YEARS, tried to destroy the country and took an AMERICAN HERO and raked he and his family over the coals. THEY DO NOT TALK ABOUT SANCTIONS.
I’d like to hear ANYONE on the left defend this BS now - anyone. This is abhorrent and disgusting and there MUST BE JUSTICE FOR THIS. YEARS OF TEARING THE COUNTRY APART. I AM ANGRY. We knew, but seeing it makes it worse.
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