We don't need to wait for specific incidents to talk about racism with kids (especially white kids), but with the murder of #GeorgeFloyd, folks are thinking more about this. As a child psychologist in Mpls, I am getting questions about this, so here is a thread w/ resources. 1/
2/ Below are general guidelines as well as some links to specific books that can help start conversations with children about race, racism, anti-racism, and white privilege. Feel free to add your own!
8/ A google doc complication on raising anti-racist kids. Thanks to my dear colleague Dr. Danielle Vrieze for sharing this with me. https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1PbFhBrPAfh3e5ZsrqG11RJCkxXr_7PRohDfAUVp5Ibk/mobilebasic
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