Regarding this since some of y'all need history class. Yes Egypt is African before arab,why? Arabs originate from arab speaking countries in Asia aka SA, Emirates, Qatar and so on. Egypt roots are North African plus Ethiopian ancestry from the ancient egyptian era—
The only part that's considered western asian is Sinai. What made Egypt included with arabs is the Islamic era which started approximately at middle ages. Before? We were ancient egyptians a whole full civilization and origin that's purely African. I'm not denying our arab—
Identity but I'm saying before being arabs we were and still ARE African so this internalized racism we have in Egypt is ridiculous. We were brainwashed into thinking the whiter the better and claimed Caucasian when we aren't. Does that mean we are black? Don't think so. Are we —
Allowed to say the n word? No. Appropriate black culture? No. We are just Africans but not african americans. So we should know our place and help our brother and sisters who were taken from their land and enslaved brutally. The ancestry goes wider than that but it's a long topic
Btw this all are sources I've read from before and heard from both Egyptians and Africans. Also Wikipedia's info are not the truest thing out there. From my personal opinion I agree with what I wrote bc it makes since with history timelines and again I'm NOT denying our arab side
But we originally are Africans. Since alot of ppl like twisting words. If anyone wants to add anything to this feel free to. We can discuss this if you have more historic evidence
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