Fed came out with some data on what corporate bond ETFs they bought through 5/19. Heavy on the IG, low on HY, lower still on the fallen angels.

The key caveats here:
This is very early in the game
The primary facility was not yet up and running on 5/19, and will be twice as big
Breaking that down a little further
Sorting by purchases as a percentage of their 4-wk ave volume, we can see that the emphasis in on IG
A similar picture emerges sorting by purchases as percentage of AUM. Interestingly, they seem to prefer $JNK over the other HY ETFs, as do many investors.
Anyway, we won't get new numbers for a few weeks, and they will be as stale as these. Better than nothing.
Also, if you want to know whether I made the first pie chart in this thread look like Pac Man on purpose, the answer is, “I’m GenX, of course I did.”
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