Seriously this. I talk about mixer a lot, and it’s not always positive. This company needs feedback, and a lot of it. Directly from their users.

Mixers team is small, really small. They need to know what they need to work on in order for us to get the most of their resources.
People heavily over estimate what mixer has as a company. Just because they’re owned by Xbox/MSFT doesn’t mean they have infinite money. They have budgets, and very tight ones.

Their teams are small, and are already overloaded with work they have to do
Use your voice, email mixer, tweet mixer, get opinions.

They respond well to social media posts and support tickets. since their teams are so small, they need to know what to work on to get the best results.

Make it worth it.
Also big love to @HarrisHeller for bringing this to the forefront for mixer. I haven’t seen the whole video yet but from the quotes I’ve seen from it he hits it spot on
You can follow @NickOnMixer.
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