Soooo... since maghrib is over now, time to start that jinn story πŸ‘€
It all started when I was 16. Bare in mind I was never that interested or bothered about religion throughout my earlier teen years.
Without baiting my location I'm from a small city, just outside London, known for it's churches. There's a small group of brothers who organise and run Islamic workshops etc, but as already mentioned I didn't really care about it all.
I had a friend (let's call him J) who was muslim. Not really practising at the time, but he was muslim and we talked about islam every now and then. The brothers who ran the Islamic workshop group thing had a talk on the supernatural coming up.
I love all things paranormal and supernatural, it's something that's always intrigued me, so my friend J and I decided we'd go and check it out.
I was going with an open mind, although the subject interested me... whether I believed it or not was a different story (I was one of them ones πŸ™„)
Anyway, the day for the talk came and we went. It was interesting and informative. But I still had my reservations about it all (I was a dumb youth πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ). During the talk the speaker mentioned a form of healing in islam called "ruqya" and explained how it worked.
They said the following day they'd be doing demonstrations and a guide on how to perform it on yourself etc.
So me being me I had to go the next day to check it out, even though I wasn't sure whether I fully believed in "ruqya" or "jinns". I defo believed in spirits but what that other entity was for sure I wasn't convinced.
I persuaded my friend J to come with me. He initially didn't want to go, but being the good friend I am I dragged him along πŸ˜‚ I remember it was winter 2014 and the ruqya demonstration was held after maghrib.
We got there and the brothers led maghrib salah. Im ashamed to say I didnt know how to pray properly back then as I never payed attention as a child. So I just copied the actions because I knew the routine, but with regards to what to say I had no idea sadly (it was my own fault)
After the prayer the main brother who was going to do the demo and teach us got up and asked whether there were any volunteers who would like to have ruqya performed on them (I nearly put my hand up πŸ˜‚) Eventually someone took one for the team and got up to be the guinea pig πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
After some explaining the guy started reciting. I won't lie his recitation was very moving and I felt something shift inside me. I was sat next to J. After about 5 minutes of reading the brother got to the ayah of sihr in albaqarah.
The guy who was being read on was fine, but there was a guy sitting across from me who started grinning. I can still picture it it wasnt a normal. He was showing his teeth as he smiled in a really weird way. I tried to look away & ignore him (thought he was maybe taking the mick)
He stayed with this expression on his face for a good few minutes but as the brother read on he started making weird, abnormal noises & eventually started cackling. A nasty, evil sound
I found it funny and took the p at first but then after he started laughing - that's when I started to get shookkkkkk. J was crapping bricks πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I'm going to stop here for tonight. Continue tomorrow inshallah πŸ˜†
Ok, to continue. So this guy started making these abnormal noises and pulling weird faces. Now a few more brothers started to notice and the main guy turned around to look at the guy. He got close to his ear and started to read some quran.
Nothing really changed for the next 10-15 minutes. He just kept pulling faces, and cackling at specific ayat. I was still sitting in front of him with my friend J. Then suddenly he started to widen his eyes. Didn't even know it was possible to open your eyes that big πŸ˜‚
He started looking around the room at everyone with these massive eyes, and puffing his cheeks up (holding his breath). Then, he puffed up his chest and as he did swearrrrr it physically looked like he got bigger lol πŸ˜‚ after a few mins of this he got up and lunged at me!!
Luckily the brothers caught him before he could get me. I wasn't exactly innocent though, stupidly I was laughing at the poor guy (once again, I was a DUMB kid!!)
To my defence though I was 16 and really shocked internally but I wasn't about to make it known outside so I was trying to make light of it. Still not an excuse though.
Anyway at this point he was being held down by 4 big guys. They were hench mashallah He kept getting more aggressive & started lungin out at pretty much every1. So me, my friend & few others went to help hold him. Imagine there was like 7/8 of us strugglin to hold down this 1 guy
Next came the spitting πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ he started spitting VIOLENTLY!! Wasn't nice, I'll tell ya that. But to cut a long story short he started to eventually talk but was saying the creepiest things.
For example like "there's 6 of us here, we're stronger than all of you, we're going to kill you, we're going to kill him" that sort of thing.
The brother that was handling it did a really good job of leading the conversation with the jinn and after what seemed like 1hr30/45mins of pinning the guy down he started to calm down.
Physically felt easier to hold him down, stopped with the big eyes, hissing sounds and spitting etc until he was fully "back".
Everyone got off him, he sat up but with his head facing down and signalled with his hand he wanted some water. So one of the bros passed him a water bottle... this guy dashed the water at the brother who read on him.
So we had to detain him again. And it was a back and forth like that for a few more hours until they called an imam to come and sought proper help for the guy.
At about 11:30 j and I decided we had enough exorcism for one day and made the decision to head back to our houses. We were walking (it was just us 2) and there's a shortcut to my house but it's through a church graveyard.
You're probs thinking only someone highly tapped would walk through a graveyard at nearly midnight... well, THAT WAS ME πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
It's quite a big church and the graveyard wraps around it, so it was big too. We made it to the midway point in the graveyard and we heard some NAAAASTY ARSE scream!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ my guy was gone, man left me alone in the middle of the graveyard in the dark at nearly midnight πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­
Unfortunately I didn't have my sonic the hedgehog on that day lool but idk why I froze for a few secs and I looked back at the direction of the scream. It was really dark but it looked like a figure walking towards me that's when I usain bolted outta there πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I kept running until I got home and went straight upstairs to bed lol. That night I was ok, slept pretty well. But a few days after I was lying down and it was about 2-3am. Yk when you're like half awake half asleep? Them ones.
I sleep with my door shut, pitch darkness, and out of nowhere I felt something press down really hard on my chest. Couldn't move or talk. My chest kept getting tighter and started finding it hard to breath. It felt like it lasted for a few mins.
After some research I discovered "sleep paralysis". It started to happen quite frequently at night, especially around 2-3am. Nearly every night I had nightmares. I would see myself being carried by an eagle or something and dropped, or killing myself jumping off a cliff etc.
Some nights it felt like something holding me down by my chest and limbs but I could also hear a piercing screech in my ear. I finally talked to someone about it and they explained it could be a jinn too.
But anyway that's a whole other story and this thread has gotten long enough πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ but that's pretty much my first encounter with the world of the unknown. I hope my trauma has made for good entertainment 🀣
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