[RTK SPOILER, really] A part of me is happy they finally moved in ranking but if their safety means another group who has consistently performed better should go home, I can not agree. I do think Oneus should have gone home instead.
[RTK SPOILER, REALLLLYYY] I am in slight shock but more so just silently shaking my head at Golden Child's elimination. They are not a group I stan, particularly have interest in at all, and they didn't make the best first impression with me, but even I know GC and Pentagon were
[RTK SPOILER, really] consistently to be ranked 3rd, interchangeably, each week thus far. This week's perf was underwhelming af, true, and I believe it's mainly because of the song, but they've been doing well all along so it's strange that all of a sudden they're cut.
[RTK SPOILER] Sigh. And double sigh. I know that Golden Child is not a rookie group & are also an underrated one. I don't think them being the first eliminated will be any good for their relationship with the company head or in the industry itself but I wish them all the best.
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