it would be nice to just like and enjoy clerith content without people act like we're all demons that hate tifa and zack lmao
i love tifa. i'm aggressively and unapologetically indifferent to zack / have major issues with CC. with that said, you're not going to see hate from me despite my issues with the game and i dislike how it handled certain characters. at the same time though
i do think there legitimate reasons why someone would just not like zack. aerith's entire personality was watered down in CC + important things about her were retconned to be b/c of him. idc what anyone says - that was bad. but shitting on him b/c of a ship? that's stupid.
i've been a tifa fan for over 10 years. and have seen every type of tifa hate. I've seen it from C/A fans, C/S fans, and hell, i've even seen cloud fans shit on her. it's awful. i'm tired of it. but the point is that it comes from a lot of different places - not just one group.
it took me a long time to even get into C/A b/c of hate i've seen. there /is/ a lot of hate from very vocal members of the community and it unfortunately sets a tone for the whole fandom but like...fuck, stop shitting on entire groups of people b/c of fictional characters.
like idek what the point of this thread is but i would like to follow more people in the fandom / people who ship CT / ZA but when you go on someone's account and you just see them making fun and/or shitting on's like come on.
like idk if it's just me but i've never been about shitting on real people because of /fictional/ ones. it's non-sensical to me and both sides are guilty of it. anyway, tl;dr: both sides of this fandom is fucking awful even if one side acts way more holy than thou about it.
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