Observations of the #MinneapolisRiot and other #BlackLivesMatter riots:

Nobody rioting gives a rat's ass about George Floyd. A few protesters did, but the rioters and looters do not.
There were some major things that stuck out to me tho:
~The rioters/looters were of every color and gender, however when convenient for the narrative, they will pretend it's only black people in order to call any nay-sayers racist. Frankly it's a bit racist to think only black people riot and loot. Just saiyan.
~Those who came on camera were extremely uneducated, some even making Biden look coherent. The interviews ranged from people shouting out their mixtape, to insane rants about cia agents popping wheelies on yamahas.
But two things were common: George was either NEVER TALKED ABOUT aside from a fleeting mention, or someone would go on a BS laden rant about how George was a friend, known him since a child, etc.

The focus was on the self. Every time.
Another that stuck out, is the need for unrelated destruction. Cars were busted, flipped and burned. A school was attempted to be burned, an autozone, target, and 170+ other businesses were entirely destroyed. These businesses had nothing to do with this incident. AT ALL.
People just wanted to destroy stuff without consequences. People want to steal stuff without consequences. People want to throw a goddamn tantrum and destroy the city, and have someone else clean up after them, with no consequences. George Floyd was just an excuse to them.
How does burning down affordable housing help honor george floyd? How does looting liquor stores, and possibly killing/burning a protester alive inside it, honor george floyd? How does burning Target, Autozone, etc honor george floyd?
It doesn't. These people didn't want to honor george floyd. They wanted to steal shit for themselves, and destroy it for others. Greed and destruction, with no consequences.
People even hijacked cars, spun them out, crashed them, and drove them right into fires to try and destroy even more. Here's a list of what I saw being burnt:
How the fuck does this relate to George? AT ALL?!?
It doesn't. These businesses are probably not going to rebuild. They will board up and leave. And rightfully so, if a child can't have a toy without breaking it they don't get that toy.
Another thing I observed is that while there was a lot of BLM protesters, there were also an amazing amount of shower-avoiding white pasty communists, stumbling over themselves to throw up the black power fist and attempt to justify looting and destroying things.
Every single one looked early 20s or younger, many who looked like they were still in middle school. While this is disturbing to have someone that young in a riot, it does fit right in with the common communist sympathizer.
Trying to say the businesses deserved "expatriation of property" for some reason relating "400 years ago", before america was america. but not relating to george at all. This was just commies wanting free shit and destruction.
There's reports that people are even being kidnapped during this mess. I have not verified these yet, but it is a large city and there's some seriously mentally disturbed people who were out and about last night.
And, to top it off, the rioters broke into, ransacked, set fire to and entirely destroyed the 3rd precinct police station.
(and then had the brainpower to ask why the cops didn't arrest the murderer, when the police station is in flames and all cops are dealing with the riot)
There were equipment and uniforms burnt on the front parking lot. The sprinkler system inside the place flooded it. Fires started inside caused ammo to start shooting off inside. Things were stolen.
The media tried to report on this. MSNBC with their people on the ground, reported that it was entirely peaceful, while rioters flipped a truck behind him and gunfire went off, with a low income building burning in the background.
A local news station tried to use a heli to get a wide view of the place, but was hit with lasers from the crowd, and had to call it off.
But on the other side of the media, eager to make sure no tragedy goes to waste, Madonna had her kid sing a song...for some reason. It was supposed to help, but I don't think anyone but madonna knows how.
Also, this brought us to the appearance of someone who specialized in turning riots and BLM events into a way for him to personally profit, Colin Kaepernic, who is famous for disrespecting the national anthem, and being almost unhireble by any football team, yet still rich.
In an attempt to show how much he cares about George floyd, he has made one single tweet, and promised to pay for lawyers for the protesters. You know, the public defenders that cost nothing. He isn't paying their bail tho.
Or the lost pay, rent or food of the affected employees.
Kaep benefits more from this stunt he's pulling than anyone else, and that's disgusting.
The police officer has been arrested, rightfully. It would have happened sooner if they had the manpower and the actual police station to book him in, but the cops were preoccupied playing nanny to a bunch of children throwing a tantrum for three days straight.
I get the feeling that this will not be enough for anyone to leave, because it never was the subject of the riots or the looting, only an excuse to start instead of the pillar holding it together.
But wait, there's more!
These idiots spent three days in close confines with random people, half of whom have no mask, most of whom didn't shower, all of whom are now at high risk for having Covid19.

Good job, morons. Destroyed your city, your economy, and your body.
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