bweh ok im just gonna make a quick vent thread
so my sister decided she wanted to take the first step to try and get back into beauty school which like. she had nearly graduated back in colorado & was basically just a tiny bit away from graduating when we had to leave after mom tried to commit. so its a huge thing
to get back into it! and im like so proud of her slkjsd so we like went to the school today to talk to advisors and get a tour and like . clearly it brought up a lot of traumatic memories for my sister and she was just, shutting down & nearly crying during the interview process
and i just like, cant help but blame myself for moving us out like, when i did because.... we needed to leave co & leave my mom and i just ghgfdkf i feel like its my fault she didnt graduate & my fault her whole life got upended bc i helped us move and. i dunno
i worry a lot that she blames me for what happened when we had to leave bc everything was so sudden & i was just doing the only thing i knew how to do an ddbsfdfk ugghghgh i just. my heart is broken for her, u know. she can do absolutely anything she sets her mind to
and shs so strong & the smartest person i know and i hate that i cant like. fix it. anyways thats my vent for the day dfnsdfsfdk its been a real real real real real shitty week
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