Old redlined neighborhoods in Minneapolis, Baltimore, and St. Louis are - literally hotter - than in their wealthier neighborhoods because of drastically increased urban heat island affect, due to lack of greenery and tree coverage.
Schools, houses, and apartment buildings are less likely to have ac in those neighborhoods, meaning schools close during heatwaves and more people get heat sickness and die of heat stroke.
There are fewer businesses in black neighborhoods because of a history of racist lenders and landlords *but* there are more liquor stores per capital than in whiter, wealthier neighborhoods, creating increased instances of alcoholism and domestic violence.*
*there's no correlation between race and dv. There is a direct correlation between alcohol and dv. Men with alcohol problems are 6x more likely to abuse their partners. This is also an issue in many poor rural white towns, but that's a different subject.
You think everyone who lives in big cities has access to high-speed internet in their homes and it's just rural areas that don't? Nope.
Because of outdated infrastructure in many minority neighborhoods, large segments of their population do not have access to broadband internet.
If I wrote out all the ways this shit impacted black communities and the history behind those reasons this thread would be a novel. Food deserts! Lack of public transit/decreased transit hours! Old run down schools! Lack of access to banks! Predatory check cashing businesses!
Then the governments of these cities do nothing to mitigate these issues, often instead making the problems worse through increased gentrification. Making the cities more accessible to upper middle class white people versus actually helping minority communities.
Then they have police department made up almost entirely of racist white people, who instead of thinking of the citizens of the city as the people they are supposed to be serving and protecting, they think of them as the enemy of the police.
These cities set black people up for failure and create an environment that fosters disenfranchisement and righteous anger, consistently put the desires of wealthy white people ahead of the needs of black people, and employ police who view black people as subhuman.
Nobody should be surprised when something like the depraved murder of George Floyd happens people reach a breaking point. After decades of "trying to fix things the right way" they still haven't gotten any better, and that's white people's fault.
It's our job to fix problems we caused and we haven't been listening.
It's not just about George Floyd. His murder is a symptom of a much deeper problem. The officer who killed him needs to go to jail and all the systemic issues that lead to this happening need to be addressed.
A handful of buildings aren't more important than a human life and they definitely aren't more important than the countless of thousands of human lives deeply impacted by racism in Minneapolis. Killed by racism in Minneapolis.
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