"Santamaria says her club gets no more police calls than any other, and claims that the city is unfairly punishing her when she bent over backward to increase security at the city's request."

So the city held up a permit until she hired this cop as extra security?
From the City Council Meeting Notes on this nightclub (here called ENR) is:

"an entertainment venue operated in conjunction with a restaurant
located in the City’s Third Police Precinct."

The one that was taken over and burned yesterday? How many wtf coincidences is that?
So ENR is the rebrand of Vanandy's Nightclub which was closed due to:

"code infringements and questionable business practices"
This event in 2008 resulted in a lot of city pressure.

The MPD found no connection between the shooting and the establishment, but a Council Member didn't seem to accept that conclusion for some reason.

This seems like a lot of specific interest in one establishment.
Not my industry, but is it usual that the city council puts a requirement to hire off-duty police officers in a specific quantity?

It just feels weird when the city is forcing a business to pay police officers for security.
May 4, 2009. ENR Security (possibly off duty MPD), handcuffs a patron and writes a slur on their forehead in permanent marker. ENR Security then calls MPD to "investigate".

The patron was handcuffed, assaulted, and then got the cops called on him.
Inspector Casey seemed concerned about undue control that ENR has over the off-duty officers.

Because it's a weird fucking thing for a restaurant to employ a security team like this right?
Here they say it again. These off-duty officers are given the discretion to make arrests even when working as security for this restaurant.

I don't think that's super uncommon, but there's some numbers coming up.
This restaurant payed some astronomical numbers to the city for off-duty officers to fill out their security team.

A requirement the city put on them to get licensed.
Here again, they even get these very officers that are also security guards to testify and say how great of a job they're doing working security at this bar stopping crime outside the law maybe.
And who the fuck do you think they got to fucking testify about how great a security guard he was and how he deserved this extra assignment on team restaurant strike force.

Fucking Derek fucking Chauvin.
So basically, the restaurant where George Floyd and Derek Chauvin both worked wasn't in a good part of town.

The owner was pressured by the city to hire off-duty police officers for their security team.

Then got officers like Chauvin to testify about how good they all did.
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