This is... the info war
It’s a tough precedent to set tbh, now everyone from every single political side will point to examples where they didn’t do this and claim unfairness. Whether or not they even intend to be unfair, there’s enough content out there which will fall through the cracks...
So in the long term I have a hard time seeing a stable equilibrium. Both sides will ratchet up calls for censorship of other side to make things fair, or for less censorship of their own side to make things fair, and eventually Twitter will give up, or state will step in.
could take a while tho, idk about time scale. Maybe there will be more efficient tools for content moderation in future. Either way the discourse is gonna be awful and drag on forever, legal stuff will be bit interesting tho.
My personal fave solution would be a variety of competing opt in content moderation regimes all on essentially the same platform, or at least one that can communicate across platforms. Something closer to the e-mail paradigm? One assumes Urbit is ripe for something like that
I do actually want people to be able to have choice to have whatever fact checking they want, to see or not see certain sorts of things, like Trump’s tweet here. We already can do that somewhat on Twitter, by banning keywords or blocking users. But this would be more fine tuned
We already see this in an early form with the proliferation of ‘block lists’. People compile users of a certain sort they don’t like for whatever reason and share it around with other people with similar preferences. There should be more such tools, perhaps.
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