1/ How anti-vax charlatans lie. A THREAD.

@delbigtree is a popular anti-vax grifter who hosts a weekly anti-vax conspiracy theory online show called The HighWire ( @HighWireTalk) funded by his anti-vax "non-profit" front group @ICANdecide, a group that has raised millions.
2/ In this weeks show he introduced a “FLU SHOT BOMBSHELL” by stating

“We can certainly say without any problem whatsoever that there is a product on the market (the flu vaccine)... that has a higher death rate that the CDC has just admitted exists for COVID-19 in the USA.”
3/ WHAT? Del claims the flu shot has a death rate so high it’s actually HIGHER THAN COVID-19, which has killed 100,000 Americans in 100 days? If true that would be a major BOMBSHELL, right?

If true, that would mean MILLIONS of deaths each year were caused by the flu vaccine!
4/ So is it true? NO.

So where is Del getting this data?

His “evidence” is 2 studies on Fluzone. The first includes adults 65 & older. 23 deaths were reported between 1-6 months among the high-dose recipients & 7 among normal dose recipients for a death rate of 0.6%.
5/ If you read further you’ll see that not only were these participants over the age of 65 but the majority of those who died within 6 months had a medical history of cardiac, hepatic, neoplastic, renal and/or respiratory diseases.

In other words, they were all older people at high-risk to die regardless of getting a vaccine or not.
7/ His 2nd study included adults over the age of 65. 167 deaths were reported within 6 to 8 months after either a high-dose or regular dose of the vaccine for a death rate of 0.5%

Once again, the majority of the participants had one OR MORE chronic comorbid illnesses.
8/ About 647,000 Americans die from heart disease every year. That’s 1 in 4 deaths.

82% of those who die from coronary heart disease are…wait for it…65 years or older.
9/ So it is surprising that 0.5-0.06% of adults aged 65 & older with multiple serious health issues are dying within 6-8 months of a study? Of course not.

If this the death rate from the vaccine itself like Del Bigtree claims? Of course not.
10/ If anything this rate might be lower than the actual rate because the flu shot prevented them from dying from influenza or related illnesses.
11/ So @delbigtree is either intentionally lying or not smart enough to understand how to read a scientific study.

By misrepresenting the information & not including the actual probability of those in the study dying over the time period examined he’s spreading misinformation.
12/ I believe @delbigtree is smart enough to understand what he’s doing. If you see the comments underneath his post, his brainwashed followers are eating this misinformation up.

That’s what makes him such a good grifter.

And that’s how anti-vax charlatans lie.
If you want to watch the video where this "bombshell" is revealed:

CORRECTION: On #9 it should read 0.5-0.6% not .06%.


Unlike AV charlatans like Del Bigtree, I admit when I made a mistake.
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