To the young non-black people who are aghast by the systematic racism perpetuated in the United States since it's inception....
-It's scary to have the wool pulled from your eyes (especially for those of you who are American and were brainwashed in school to think America was a great country)...
It's scarier to have never lived under the children have never been couldn't be ignorant to
the poison in our countries veins. They never had the privilege of being blinded by promises of hope and decency.
-It's understandable that you want to lash out against a system that you think is broken because our president is a literal piece of shit, but America has always been this way, you just haven't been in the position to see it. Lash out, but do it in productive ways.
Productive ways include listening to black voices, taking action, signing petitions, donating money, spreading the word, making the atrocities visible. VERY IMPORTANTLY, not allowing or condoning acts of explicit or implicit racism.
What is not productive...
-Focusing on white people, worrying about what a white celebrity is or isn't doing. Is it disappointing that people aren't speaking out? Yes. Is it How do you think black people feel?
-Calling people racist if they're not displaying their disgust or contempt in the same exact ways that you are. THIS IS IMPORTANT. There's no point in being divisive because you feel that certain people are callous if they're not doing exactly what you do. It's taking the focus
away from where the focus should be. It is not a contest of who can be the most woke or committed to the cause, it's a challenge to inspire people to step up, to be better, to understand the inherent racism in our disgraceful system. Black people are busy trying to survive...
they don't need to take the time to educate white people on why racism is wrong. WHITE PEOPLE should be educating white people on why racism is wrong (believe it or not....people don't get it). You don't teach people by alienating and being divisive.
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