Jamannya sering banget foto bertiga terus upload facebook atau ga jadiin foto profil. Kadang sampe niat mesti curly rambut dulu terus coret2 muka jadi kucing. Ngedit foto jadi biru, hijau ntah ngikutin siapa.
Jamannya ga pernah pusing mikirin orang ngomong apa. Asli secuek itu. Pake baju apa aja ga pake mikir “terlalu kebuka ga ya?” “Terlalu seksi ga ya?” “Nanti orang bilang apa ya kalo pake baju ini?”
Bener2 bebas dan cuek. Jamannya apa2 ya bertiga. Curhat bertiga, berantem bertiga, main game sampe subuh bertiga, becanda sampe ngakak2 dan bangunin mama tidur tengah malem bertiga, curi2 pake wifi tengah malem bertiga.
Main tumblr sampe pagi cuma ngereblog2 foto orang terus besokannya jadiin foto profil di fb, main ameba pico sampe subuh. Gosh, those were indeed the best times of my life.
Aku sebagai anak pertama yang paling jauh selalu jadi yang merasa paling kangen sama adek2 aku (I bet if my sisters read this they’ll puke but idc).
Aku kangen mereka gangguin dan bully aku, pinjem baju aku, curhat sama aku sampe pagi, aku omelin karena males, aku suruh beliin ini itu. We seem to hate each other but God knows how much we love each other.
I love talking to my sisters. They’re the least people that I can trust with my stories. I can almost talk to them about anything. I’m like an open book with them. I have a hard time trusting people and I really shut myself out of the world,
But with them, I can literally talk it all out dan ga pernah takut dikatain segala macem. They’re the only people that I allow to judge me. Ga akan pernah marah aku kalo mereka katain, ledekin, hakimin.
I realized I can’t turn back the time. And as I said for like zillion times, I’m blessed and thankful to have them as my sisters. Really.

(I’m so cheesy I know. I’ll delete this thread later)
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