Saturn was in Capricorn for most of Donald Trump’s presidency. Saturn is the planet ruling government, laws, rules, regulations, responsibility, duties, limitation, etc. Saturn is ruled by Capricorn.
It makes sense that he was elected was president, since he is Republican & conservative as fuck. Last time Saturn was in Capricorn, George Bush (the first) was President - 1989-1993, and before that Dwight Eisenhower 1959-1962, Herbert Hoover 1929-1933, all Republicans
Following George Bush, in 1993, Right before Saturn went into Aquarius, Democrat Bill Clinton became President.
Following Dwight Eisenhower, Democrat John F Kennedy became president in 1961, right before Saturn entered Aquarius
Following Herbert Hoover, Democrat Franklin Roosevelt became president in 1933, Saturn was already in Aquarius when he became president
Capricorn is the “Father of Humanity” & has an insistence on laws & standards - following certain rules establishes structure & stability and provides for our material needs in a predictable way
If we take a look at history we see similar themes of the times Saturn was in Capricorn: major changes to the political & social structure, extreme economic pressures, events which bring about a significant increase in fear and an authoritarian response
periods in history which signify the end of a long-standing era and its rules, the convinctions of long-acting criminals, economic recessions & depressions, advancements made to support capitalism/corporateism, Oil spills
If we take a look at the most recent Saturn in Capricorn, from 2017-2020, we see a lot of these themes. Trump wanted to build a wall between US & Mexico, causing many to live in fear facing importation, the Government entered a Federal Government Shutdown
possible collapse of US dollar, potential for China to reshape global power structure, complete shift of US politics going from Obama to Trump
If we take a look at 1988-1991, when Saturn was in Capricorn, we have the largest FDIC assisted bank failure in history, the banning of guns, the start of the world wide web.
In 1959-1962, we have the Cold War & the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War was probably one of the biggest Loss & reality checks for the US
In 1929-1932, we had the aftermath & consequences of the Great Depression, we had the establishment of the FBI & the FBI crime lab, and we had the rise of power in Communism & Facism.
In 1900-1903, we had the first billion dollar business deal take place under JP Morgan, and the crashing of the NY stock exchange
Patterns in history of Saturn in Capricorn show themes of fear, restriction, limitation, inadequacy & social alienation
Saturn in Capricorn themes: boundaries, walls, borders, pressures, fears, coldness, economically hard times, ‘no going back’ moments, world structure, the status quo rulebook
What ends up happening, is that Saturn in Cap becomes too strict in adhering to rules that it becomes so incapable of seeing when they are old and tired and need to be revised.

So what needs to be revised, due to being old & outdated, becomes a forced act
The political & social power structures that have resisted change for too long becomes forced to change - usually through much collapse & misery
Saturn in Aquarius is all about progression & revolution of society in a postive, forward way. Its about betterning society through inventiveness, technology & science
Prior to now, Saturn was in Aquarius 1991-1994, 1962-1964, 1932-1935 & 1903 to 1905.
Last time Saturn was in Aquarius in 1991-1994, we had change in government structure towards democracy, the free trade agreement, the first global acknowledgement of clinate change, new world orders declaring several countries becoming free, the development of the WWW & GPS
In 1962-1964, we had the redefining of socialiasm, we had the most defining year for the Civil Rights movement, Martin Luther King & Malcom X speeches, both of which had deep and long-lasting effects on social reform
The dissolution of the Soviet Union happened under Saturn in Aquarius - which ended Communism & gave freedom to many countries
History shows that Saturn in Aquarius sparks significant & long-lasting innovations and changes in society, primarily focused on humanitarianism, human rights, inequalities, science & technology
Saturn in Aquarius shows patterns in history for themes of independence & equality
The outdated & overly consverative ways are up for change when Saturn leaves Cap & goes into Aqua. Applying this to issues going on today, hopefully this will ignite necessary changes in police brutality, racism, social reform, & prison reform.
Aquarius is all about both equality & change from societal norms. Changing shit through innovative & non-traditional means.
Saturn in Aquarius represents an opportunity to build better systems that serve people, rather than the other way around.
Saturn is going to be in Aquarius until 1925, but already were seeing a bunch of Saturn in Aquarius type of shit going down.
For example:
Social isolation & quarauntine due to Covid 19
Shifts in the economy due to Covid 19.
A closer look at inequalities of prison & prison reform
The Minnesota riots on police brutality
Things I am hoping that Saturn In Aquarius brings:
Prison reform
Ending of Police brutality
The end of Capitalism
Saturn in Aquarius will probably have a huge impact & advancements on artifical intelligence & technology - for better or for worse
We already have seen with advancements in technology comes the loss of privacy, its use in social programming and behavioral control.
Also last time Saturn was in Aquarius, the Rodney King footage of him being beaten by LA police officers, as well as the LA riots afterwards occurred.
Similarly, Geroge Floyd’s murder & the Minnesota Riots during this Saturn in Aquarius
But the original point of this was tweet was about how Saturn in Capricorn trends in history show Extremely consversative Presidents, followed by Saturn in Aquarius bringing liberal/democratic Presidents
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