Listen, white folks:

Being conflict averse despite being at the top of the privilege heap is white supremacist indoctrination.

Think about it. Like REALLY think about it.

Why are you afraid of pissing off the racist in your mentions?
Do you think that racist in your mentions is going to come for you harder than they go for people of color?

Do you think you'll be more affected than POC by their anger?

What do you think pissing them off will cost you?
Any time you think about how there'll be consequences for you if you piss off some racists, you need to remember that the consequences you MIGHT face are mild compared to those which people of color WILL face.

That's what privilege *means.*
Every white or white passing person has far more privilege to be angry, to confront, to speak out, and that's why it matters what we do with that privilege.

I especially want to address this to white women, who KNOW what we deal with from sexist men.
Does it help if some man sees sexism and doesn't call it out or address it, but privately, tells you they maybe noticed something and they're shocked and embarrassed and wish it wasn't like that?

Not in my experience.

I want those men to SPEAK THE HELL UP.
I don't want those men to tell me how they're actually really great guys who'd say something about all the rape jokes and whatever, except they won't because then the other men might not be as cool to them.

And, my family and friends of color pretty universally don't want... hear me apologize for racism, or say it's upsetting me, or it makes me so sad, or any of that shit.

They would much rather I got out there and confronted some goddamn racists already.

See what I'm saying?
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