I have written this thread to clarify a decision I came to last night (do bare with me...):

In June I was elected to represent adults on the board of trustees, on the Dyspraxia Foundation, and today I have decided to stand down from that role.
I have been involved in The Dyspraxia Foundation on & off since I was eight years old, originally being taken along to local support group meetings by my parents. I then went on, years later, to set up a local intergenerational group in the North East.
So I always felt I’ve come full circle. Finally being elected as trustee last year.

I have, in recent years, tried to justify myself less to other people. I’ve always felt that being me should be more than okay, and others don’t deserve explanations.
So, this is not a justification, but it is a clarification as to why I have stepped down, that the people who voted for me deserve. I am also not attempting to feed any troll, but speaking out about something I feel I have the power to do so.
For almost a year I have been the target of online abuse, trolling and bullying whilst trying to represent adults with dyspraxia. These targets have sometimes been aimed at the charity, but some were specifically targeting me personally.
Over last few months, people have focussed on my age and appearing young, criticised my abilities and made assumptions about my character. Finally using their misplaced anger and power by removing me from a dyspraxia Adults Facebook group, that I have been part of for many years.
A group that in the early years I sought great comfort from, and certainly feels like I have been deleted from a community. The bullying has at times been aggressive and relentless.
I came to the board of trustees following my own journey of understanding both myself and those around me, as a youth worker by training I had hoped to use participatory practice models in my role as adult representative.
As a woman in her 30’s (and age is in no way indicative of ability) I am well placed to represent adults with dyspraxia, as those who elected me in a democratic election will attest to.
It has now resulted in me not feeling part of or included in a community where I thought I belonged, and so my position on the board can not continue.
Some people have expressed publicly about wanting me replaced, so to them this will be good news, but I am not stepping down because of them, I am stepping down for me. And looking after me is the most important thing through all of this.
Bullying, harassment and trolling online is not okay, and I will only engage with those who listen and respect well measured and justified debate. Not rants or attacks on my character.
Alongside being a woman and adult representative. I am an individual. An individual who shouldn’t have to put up with abuse because I am part of a charity. But I did. For too long. And now it must stop.
It is more unsettling that in a world where people with differences have already experienced judgements, assumptions and barriers, volunteers should not have to put up with additional difficulties in their own community.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me. If you follow me purely because of my involvement with the Dyspraxia Foundation feel free to unfollow me, but if we are friends for other reasons, you are very welcome to stay and I will value people staying in touch.
I will not be involved with the Dyspraxia Foundation from tonight, this means I will not be a member, or attend future events. It has gone on too long now and I need to go back to the life I had before all of this.
I wish the Dyspraxia Foundation well in the future, and I hope adults are supported to have a say. Dyspraxia awareness in adults has come on a long way in the last few years and I hope it is able to continue.
*A note for friends/if you have made it to the end of this "speech": I would very much appreciate people checking in on me from time to time, my brain is doing strange things at the best of times thanks to Covid, and then there's this on top...
..Normally I'd try and go away for a weekend to see a friend & reflect but I obviously can't do that now. The Dyspraxia Foundation has been a big part of my life for many years, that has been taken away pretty much over night and that feels strange*

Now cat photos will resume.
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