hundreds of white people held protests against the idea of staying inside for a period of time for the safety of everyone because they wanted HAIRCUTS. they were armed, and yet not shot at by police or reprimanded. that’s a CLEAR example of white privilege.
poc have to worry about their every move, have to plan on what to do if they’re pulled over in fear of being k!lled, etc. while white people go about their days not having to live in fear. george floyd, ahmaud arbery, trayvon martin, and so many more were targeted simply becaude
of their skin color. white americans have pride and confidence in the fact that racism has been eliminated, yet there is HARDLY a difference in these violent acts against POC throughout history. there are no differences in the reasoning behind this violence when comparing these
innocent men to the innocent 13 year old emmett till. it’s disheartening to feel so angry and disappointed in your own country, president, and leadership in general, but to watch them support the k!lling of innocent people (whether directly or not) is something i will never
understand. to the black community- i’m so sorry for all you’ve had to go through and continue to go through. you have the RIGHT to be outraged, and i hope that you continue to speak your minds as you feel. though it may feel as if the world is against you, know that there are
SO many allies on your side to stand with you and fight with you. as a white person, i hope to use my privilege to speak for those whose voices go unheard. we are with you, always. let’s keep resisting.
(with this thread, i truly hope nothing i’ve said is out of place. just know my intention is to stand with those who are constantly oppressed. i am angry and sad for the state of this country that claims to have changed yet has nothing to show for it.)
#BlackLivesMatter you are so important.
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