" #Oya had become so furious that she wanted to destroy the kingdom with her winds, but controlled herself because she respected her father Obatala.

So sad and lonely , she turned to Yemaya "Iya mi ( my mother) with your waters and my winds we could end this marriage". ....
Yemaya stood there and listened to her daughter and could not believe that Oya would be so angry and ignited to start war over a man . None the less her own son, the man who she had claimed to love.
#Yemaya responded "Do not count on me to end this marriage, Because child you forget it is my OMO AlAFI (favorite son) who is caught in the middle of your tempest , and I will never fight against my own son".
" #Yemaya felt sorrow for her daughter Oya and her sadness and tried in vain to reason her child for her to accept the situation as it was."
Oya had always listened to her mother's advise but not on this occasion, and from that time on #Oya grew distant from #Yemaya.

Oya’s themes are justice, tradition, zeal and femininity.

Her symbols are fire, water and the number 9.

A Yoruban mother Goddess and spirit of the river Niger.
She is wild and irrepressible, like the 🔥 fire she’s said to have created, yet Oya presides over matters of fairness and custom, using that fire as the light of truth.
Frederick Douglass:

"I want the slaveholder surrounded, as by a wall of anti-slavery fire... I would have condemnation blaze down upon him in every direction, till, stunned and overwhelmed with shame and confusion, he is compelled to let go."
We don't fear little white boys who delude themselves into thinking that they are Thor. We do not fear Russia. But we are terrified of Oya's fire and her wind -- terrified of the global RAGE and RESPONSE that will wipe them (so many innocent people) out.
Their delusions will create a bigger monster -- a dragon that will set the world on fire.

For every Nazi action, one can suspect a BLACK and multicultural REaction.
And so..

"the relatively conscious whites and the relatively conscious blacks, must, like lovers, insist on, create, the consciousness of the others- do not falter in our duty NOW, we may be able, HANDFUL that we are, to end the racial nightmare ..
... and achieve our country, and change the history of the world.

— James Baldwin, The 🔥 Fire Next Time
"Race is, politically speaking, not the beginning of humanity but its end, not the origin of peoples but their decay, not the natural birth of man but his unnatural death."

— Hannah Arendt
Oya is a Great Yoruban Orisha.

She s the goddess of Storms and Winds, and Her realm ranges from rainbows to thunder.
The character of Storm, Ororo Monroe, from the X-Men is symbolic of the African Orisha Oya and the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis.
Insight on⚡️Oya⚡️, the Great Orishas of the Storms 🌨🌊🌪

This stormy #Orisha is often misunderstood and feared because of her awesome power. But her energy is powerful and she is the protector of those with no protection. Learn more in this video.
The following information is intended for white Americans who have yet to fully appreciate the GLOBAL reach of a community that's been here for centuries - and who think "The Blacks" should just "get over it".
The Drums of Africa

“For I am my mother’s daughter, and the drums of Africa still beat in my heart. They will not let me rest while there is a single Negro boy or girl without a chance to prove his worth.”

— Mary McLeod Bethune, 1941
... and the drums of Africa still beat.
And Like The Black Pharaoh of Cush/Sudan/Egypt wno has "marched out to fight against you" -- Sennacherib - King of Assyria.

Black Conservatism is COMING for you White Nationalism.
You can follow @blackrepublican.
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