let me tell you conservatives/republicians, and this is coming from a girl who has a president that is no better than tr**p. trvmp is not a politician, he is a commerical man, he will do whatever is in favor of the market. not society and mostly not human rights.
him defending the polices who took the lives of innocent black people proves my point, he does what is good for him, not people.
he does not care about humans rights, not even a little. he cares about money. do your research then come talk about your invalid opinions on human rights.
and if anyone comes here and says " he wants america to be great again" no, he wants america to rise because then he could slaughter other countries and take their sources, money etc. when you support this man you are supporting the second version of n*z*s
he only wants to make america the best so that america could be the only one.
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