Cannot overstate the importance of continuing the energy we have now. Things are going to continue to get worse before they get better, especially as we are rapidly accelerating toward climate catastrophe.
Not only are institutions reacting to the public being fed up with state-sanctioned violence, but they are flexing their muscles to test resistance to the ecofascism that will be in our near future.
Police and the military will exist as long as we let them, and they are the dogs of the ruling class. When we start experiencing nationwide resource scarcity and the entire populace, not just antiracists, get pissed, they want to know that they'll be able to contain us.
This fight is nowhere near over, this is the beginning of people collectively accepting that they can seize power. There are millions more of us than there are of them.
The global south is already experiencing resource scarcity and its fallout and has been for a long time. That's why we have a refugee crisis and the American government's response is concentration camps.
We will not be able to confidently leave a better earth to our children until these institutions cease to exist *altogether* and communities take care of each other and assume the responsibilities that we are taught from birth belong to the police: to protect/serve
No one is safe and taken care of until we are ALL safe and taken care of. And while the police and U.S. military exist, nobody is safe. Trump's tweets show that they will send their hounds on us if we resist authority, so we need to keep resisting authority. ACAB.
This thread might be the most important thing that I post today outside of emergency information, because all of it is true, it is in our future, and we all need to be fucking prepared for it.
If you value your own life, remember we are only borrowing Earth's resources from future generations– we can see how past authority (Reagan, Jackson, literally every US president) robbed us decades ago of safe, healthy, fulfilling lives.
By resisting cops and protesting police brutality in black communities today, we are setting the stage and the terms for how we will fight for every single person's lives in the coming years, decades to come. I fucking mean it, and it's all true.
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