Turning my angry and disappointment to action. Spent the morning compiling this list for allies wanting to take action. Shoutout to @MichelleJigga , @TerriKopp2it & @JennKaytin for sharing some of the resources on this list. This is just a list to get you started 1/
2) Continued:
-Join your local Showing up for Racial Justice (SURJ) group.
- Call and write your representatives!
Advocate for police reform: a) all on duty police officers body cams should be turned ON when responding to a dispatch call,
b) demand evidence-based police de-escalation training
- https://www.awarela.org/  - For my LA allies looking for way to take action

3)Educate Yourself - This might be hard, but it’s important.
Things to read:
-- So you want to talk about race by Ljeoma Oluo
-- Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You by Jason Reynolds, Ibram X. Kendi
--How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
-- A kids book about racism by Jelani Memory - for my ally friends with children
If you have more resources you want to share, please comment below
You can follow @JackiePenn18.
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