Derek Chauvin should be arrested along with the other officers who let it happen and were blatantly ignoring the cries of “I can’t breathe, please let me stand”. They’re accessories to murder. Chauvin stayed on George’s neck even after he went unresponsive. They falsified a
police report. Imagine if the in humane act wasn’t recorded!!! The law would have turned a blind eye and sided with the false report. And note how he wasn’t arrested the day of... Only several days later! A black man or other POC would be arrested ON THE SPOT! He went home and
ordered takeout and lounged on the damn couch for crying out loud. He wasn’t arrested even after it was made public knowledge that the report was false and blatant lies. Resisted? Died shortly after transported to the hospital? Lie. Lie. All fake. And he wasn’t arrested until
after the protests. The protests in which the pReSiDeNt gave the thumbs up to kill and shoot down civilians exercising their right to protest for a lost, innocent life. Why was Derek allowed to keep working even after all the other complaints made about him in other cases and
other lives he’s taken? And the only thing I’m seeing a majority of white people speaking about isn’t the straight up murder kneeling on George against protocol for over 9 minutes... it’s the precious superstores boo hoo. Even if that wasn’t the way to go, it’s because when
peaceful, OUR VOICES STILL AREN’T HEARD! You ask why we make everything about race????? It’s because it IS about race! America was built off race issues. And the damn superstores?? @BDonna_12 already took the words right out my mouth. “KKK burned down gowns, churches, businesses
and people for years. I’m not worried about Target.” Where was this energy from the President when white supremacists, Nazis, KKK allies, and more stormed the capital heavily armed with machinery and weapons and spat at the cops and for physical, shoving them? Were they called
thugs? Nope. They were called “good men”. Trump is a bigot. He isn’t fit to be in that position of power. He’s childish. He doesn’t think. It’s sad to think I wasn’t even surprised to hear another black man was murdered in the streets. It’s scary that it int shocking because it’s
such a common thing at this point. It is about race. It goes deeper than Floyd. It goes deeper than police brutality. It’s white privilege. It’s ignorance. It’s hate. Over 400 years of dehumanization and being burned and forced to work like dogs and being sold and having no
control. We peacefully protest and are gassed and beat. Whites protest for a haircut and to be able to go outside and are called “good men”. WAKE THE FUCK UP IM TIREDDDDD. IM SCARED TO HAVE A BLACK SON BECAUSE THIS WORLD DOESN’T ACCEPT HIM AND KAREN IS GONNA CALL THE COPS
BECAUSE SOMEONE NOT HER COMPLEXION IS WALKING WITH A HOOD. And same goes for having a daughter. Either way, they’re black and it’s sad at a young age, I’ll have to teach them not how to study or cook but first HOW TO STAY ALIVE IN A RACIST AMERICA. Land of the free? My ass
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