Dear British white people saying the UK isn’t as bad as the US:

Have you just forgotten the Windrush?

This govt rounded up my community’s elders, denied them lifesaving healthcare, and deported them - they were BRITISH citizens; some of them died

Get out of here with your BS
White people in the UK will pretend to act all shocked about how bad racism in the US, then proceed to vote for a govt that deports black people, hires eugenicists, and is lead by an anti-black PM, that said black kids make him “turn a hair”.
The way the British sanitise their white supremacy is grotesque

We’re taught about slavery as if it was a distant thing the UK had little role in, & that it was mainly the US

We’re taught to glorify the Empire, and told to stop complaining because the UK could be MORE racist
We’re told that this country (which deports my community, disproportionately prosecutes my community, discriminates against kids in my community, discrimates against my community in the workplace) could “more” racist

We’re told to be good little blacks & shut up and be grateful
That’s why, when another unarmed black man is killed by police, we feel it - whether it’s at home in the UK or in the US

Their struggle against white supremacy is our struggle, their fight is our fight

And we won’t be silenced anymore, #BlackLivesMatter
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