1/ Footage of Minneapolis police killing #GeorgeFloyd has again focused international attention on violence by law enforcement and the failures of police reform. It’s a deep-seated and widespread problem, including in Texas.
2/ Content warning: This thread is a recent history of police violence against Black people. Please proceed with caution, and be considerate when sharing.
5/ In other cases, Texas police and their lawyers have jumped through hoops to justify their killing of Black men, as was the case with Norman Cooper in San Antonio. https://www.texasobserver.org/excited-delirious-dead/
10/ This weekend, a rally is planned in Austin to protest the police shooting of #MikeRamos last month. Background from @Grits4Breakfast: https://gritsforbreakfast.blogspot.com/2020/05/manley-exonerates-mike-ramos-shooter-in.html
11/ Other demonstrations protesting the killing of #GeorgeFloyd and denouncing state-sanctioned violence against people of color are planned in Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio.
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