i've spent some time down memory lane on the /tmp folder in my web server. 169 folders with stuff going back to 2012: experiments, tools, agency work😄

some of the experiments still work, some need fixing (web audio, webgl, cors)

who's interested in seeing some of these relics?
Ok. I'm not even sure what's the best way... Does Twitter have something like subscribing to a thread? I guess I'll just put everything in here
from 2014 (threejs r69dev), analytical ambient occlusion and matcaps, with some bouncy physics

there's a bounding sphere around the camera and the objects always bounce off it. it's quite a good trick for VR

the first iteration was this version, a bit boids-y and matte. it has some steering behaviour, but the lack of alignment makes the striped pattern too repetitive and boring

from 2015 (threejs r71), i don't quite remember what was the goal...

it involved generating paths with random walks, and render objects that follow said paths. it ended up looking a bit like fireflies, specially in a VR (DK1) version i made

from 2013, a pitch for the first movie of The Hobbit trilogy

we took several assets from promotional material, sliced them and composed them back in 3D

it was all done in CSS 3D, the camera could mode in all axis, pretty cinematically

i don't think i can share the link 😕
we had a few scenes, all deconstructed and build back again. it worked really well on ipads, where we had the camera transform hooked to the device orientation
from 2013 (threejs r58), a multi-user touch webtoy we made at B-Reel BCN to show at OFFF. each touch on the screen added more points to the geometry, as it was moving and fading into the distance. we didn't use it in the end

(touch area is pretty small!)

we stored all the different paths, and could render them together. each "player" got a different colour

here's some of the results (with the inevitable TTP)

from 2014, for a smartwater campaign, some prototypes to create shapes with clouds. it uses a quadtree to partition a given image, and CSS3D to render the clouds

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